Lyme Disease

Do you know that a parasite (tick) carrying borrelia bacteria can cause Lyme disease? Yes, that’s true. And it seems that Americans are under attack by this illness. In 2022, 63,000 cases of Lyme disease were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s scary to see so many people dealing with it in America.

We know you have many questions going through your mind about Lyme disease: what is it, what are its symptoms, and is there any solution? Another question that we have seen many people finding answers to is: Can you use cannabis (medical marijuana) for Lyme disease? If you have any of these questions, continue reading to get all your answers.

Get Your Medical Marijuana Card Now

Be healthier and energized by managing Lyme disease by using medical marijuana!

What is Lyme Disease ?

Humans get Lyme disease if a deer tick that carries Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria bites them. In America, most cases of Lyme disease were reported in the mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and Upper Midwest regions. Seems like these deer ticks carrying Borrelia bacteria love living in those areas.

Lyme disease spreads through your body and can cause rashes, headaches, extreme tiredness, and flu-like symptoms. If it’s not treated on time, it can lead to serious problems like long-term swelling, memory issues, and nerve damage.


How do you know that you are bitten by a deer tick?

It is hard to tell if a tick bites you or not. This is because tick bites are different from many other insects like mosquitoes. They don’t itch or hurt instantly. You can only know that a tick has bitten you once it becomes larger after feeding on your blood.


What are the Symptoms of Lyme Disease?

Here are some symptoms that mean you have Lyme disease:

  • Fever
  • Skin rashes
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Headache
  • Difficulty moving joints
  • Muscle soreness

The symptoms of Lyme disease resemble many other diseases; that’s the very reason behind the misjudgment of illness. See your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms for an extended period.


How to protect yourself against Lyme disease?

If you are living in one of the regions or areas where the rate of Lyme disease is higher than normal, you can do the following things to protect yourself:

  • Wear long sleeves and long pants tucked in socks when walking through grassy or wooded areas.
  • Immediately examine your body and take a shower once you reach home after spending time outside.
  • Make sure to use repellents that contain DEET and/or picaridin.


How to treat Lyme disease?

Early detection of Lyme disease is necessary to prevent complications. If you are diagnosed with Lyme disease, you can use antibiotics and even medical cannabis to treat its symptoms. 

  • Doctors recommend adults and children over 8 years to take doxycycline. 
  • Younger children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers can use amoxicillin or cefuroxime. 

Some people can have lasting symptoms if treatment starts late, even after the infection is gone. Medical marijuana for Lyme disease can help ease many of these symptoms, both during the infection and in the recovery phase.


Medical Marijuana & Lyme Disease

Medical marijuana can be used alongside other Lyme disease treatments, such as antibiotic therapy, to help with the condition. Marijuana has strong antibacterial properties and can also help with many of the symptoms and complications caused by Lyme Disease.

A report on the dermatology-related uses of cannabis notes that cannabis can help with Lyme disease as well as various other skin problems. The major reason behind being so effective against Lyme disease is the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoids.

What’s more, cannabinoids (THC and CBD) can help with many of the common symptoms of Lyme Disease. It’s also worth noting that marijuana works best when used with antibiotics to treat Lyme disease. It can also help with complications like Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome.


Treating the Symptoms by Using Medical Cannabis for Lyme Disease

Medical marijuana is especially helpful for reducing the severity of symptoms of Lyme Disease and improving the quality of life of patients. Even after Lyme Disease is treated, medical marijuana can help with the post-treatment symptoms that often plague sufferers.

In the early stages of Lyme Disease, sufferers often experience flu-like symptoms, including headaches, severe fatigue, nausea, and muscle and joint pain. Medical marijuana is especially helpful as it helps relieve pain, prevent nausea, improve sleep, and counteract fatigue.

Patients may also develop further complications from the disease. For instance, it can sometimes cause cognitive and neurological issues. Medical marijuana for Lyme disease may help prevent these problems due to its neuroprotective properties. Sometimes, post-treatment symptoms such as chronic pain and fatigue are compared to fibromyalgia–another condition that medical marijuana is commonly used for.

Medical marijuana can also help with the mental health of patients. Some patients may suffer from chronic stress and anxiety due to the stress of dealing with the condition. Medical cannabis for Lyme disease helps mitigate these issues by inducing a more optimistic mental state.


How to Get a Medical Card for Lyme Disease in Florida

Be among the hundreds of people finding relief from Lyme disease symptoms by using medical cannabis. All you have to do is get a medical marijuana card in Florida to legally consume cannabis products. Here is an easy and simple process:

  • Contact your nearest medical marijuana doctors and share your medical records.
  • See the doctor in person to let them evaluate your systems.
  • If you qualify, your profile will be created on the Medical Marijuana Use Registry.
  • You must pay the application fee and wait for the state to approve your profile.
  • Get a medical marijuana card in Florida via email once the state approves your profile.


FAQs About Lyme Disease and Weed

Can you use CBD for Lyme disease?

Yes, you can use CBD oil for treating Lyme disease. It helps in treating multiple symptoms of Lyme disease by strengthening the immune system. These symptoms include pain and inflammation.

How to consume medical cannabis for Lyme disease?

You can consume medical cannabis for Lyme disease in a number of ways. You can consume medical marijuana by smoking, vaping, consuming edibles, and using oils and tinctures.  

Get a Medical Marijuana Card for Lyme disease in Florida

Florida patients can now turn to medical marijuana to treat Lyme disease symptoms!


MY FLORIDA GREEN sets the green standard in marijuana medical care. Find the nearest city and get certified!

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